Sunday, June 28, 2009

Kylie's First Days

Here is a video of Kylie's first couple of days. It was filled with tears, laughs, friends and family. We are so thankful for the people that the Lord has put in our lives. Thank you to all who came to visit and thank you for your gifts. You are loved and appreciated.

Lauren, Tre, Kylie and Marley

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Awesome Commercial... Watch!

Awesome commercial. I saw this while watching a NASCAR race... shocking, I know. I see a new toy in Kylie's future. Enjoy.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Running Out of Room!

Can you imagine being confined into a space so small that you cannot completely stretch out your arms and legs. Well, we've all been there, but fortunately we have forgotten those days so long ago. Kylie Grace, however, knows them all too well. It seems that she is getting bigger and bigger and possibly more frustrated with her lack of space. She will try to push out one side, give up, and then move to the other side and try to push through again. I haven't been able to see a clear image of a hand or foot, but I have been lob sided and seen small and large bumps protruding from my belly. I have a good feeling that Kylie will be a little on the stubborn side and the fact that she continues to try to stretch out her body only gives me more confidence. I still feel healthy and strong and am able to walk a few times a week. I cannot believe that we still have five and a half weeks until her due date. We are very excited and are enjoying each day with each other and friends around us.

I also wanted to post some pictures of my niece Kieren. She is almost 5 months old!!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Girls Weekend!!

Last weekend, I had the opportunity to go to Memphis, TN to visit some friends from college. I made the trip with my old roommate, Winter. We had a great time catching up and EATING, of course we made a trip to the pool as well. On our last day, we got to see the animals at the Memphis Zoo and went to a local church for a night of worship with Shane & Shane. However, my favorite night was when we played the game Loaded Questions. We all have a mixture of competitive nature and flat out silliness. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. Picture 5 loud and crazy girls that have known each other for years, and one boy who was an amazing sport! We gave him such a hard time about his Wimbledon T-shirt that I think it will be impossible for him to ever wear it again without thinking of us.

As the move to Clearwater gets closer and closer, I cannot help but reflect on the blessings I have received here in Nashville. Even though I have not lived in the exact same house, I have been in this city for almost eight years. For me that is forever. Moving around every few years as a child has given me an ability to make new friends, but unfortunately I have always lost touch with the old ones. It breaks my heart to think that Kylie will not know these people who have greatly influenced my life and who might even know me better than I know myself. I am soaking up every opportunity to enjoy all my friends from Nashville (not just the ones I met in college). I pray that as we make the move to Clearwater, I will be able to make some new friends, but that this time I will not lose touch with the old. I pray that they will get to pour into Kylie's life, plus they would be the ones to tell the best bedtime stories.