Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Running Out of Room!

Can you imagine being confined into a space so small that you cannot completely stretch out your arms and legs. Well, we've all been there, but fortunately we have forgotten those days so long ago. Kylie Grace, however, knows them all too well. It seems that she is getting bigger and bigger and possibly more frustrated with her lack of space. She will try to push out one side, give up, and then move to the other side and try to push through again. I haven't been able to see a clear image of a hand or foot, but I have been lob sided and seen small and large bumps protruding from my belly. I have a good feeling that Kylie will be a little on the stubborn side and the fact that she continues to try to stretch out her body only gives me more confidence. I still feel healthy and strong and am able to walk a few times a week. I cannot believe that we still have five and a half weeks until her due date. We are very excited and are enjoying each day with each other and friends around us.

I also wanted to post some pictures of my niece Kieren. She is almost 5 months old!!

1 comment:

  1. This last month will seem like it is crawling by but she will be here before you know it! Can't wait to see her pretty face. Soon now, very soon!
