Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Serving Him

I woke up this morning from a crazy dream and smiled at the appreciation for where I am. Life, in all it's circumstances, is never perfect. But I live my life knowing and trusting that God is in control and knows what I need. I may not have everything I have ever wanted (I don't think Target will fit in my backyard) but I have everything I need. My belly has never known true hunger, and my heart has never lacked love. I am so grateful to work at a church that supports my family lifestyle. As I write this morning, Kylie is playing with her toy next to me.

Being a youth pastor isn't quite what I imagined, but God is showing me more and more how he created me to be here for this moment. I may not know how to write a budget and get intimidated asking people for help. But I do know that I love working with teenagers! Yesterday, I got to take some of our teens (and a few parents) to a large tent in Pinellas County. It was a place for families to come and get Thanksgiving food baskets. However, this ministry did not just meet their need for food, but also their need for love from others and from God. The teens were immediately split up into different areas - registration, kid's play area, and helping families navigate throughout the tent. I was able to be a shopper and help them pick out their food of choice! It was such a wonderful experience to meet and talk with these families. I heard about their kids and their situations, and we were able to offer them hope though these hard times. Some of the teens were able to watch the families meet pastors and be prayed for. One of them was so excited to watch someone accept Christ for the first time!

1 Thessalonians 5:18 reminds us to give thanks in all circumstances. No matter how hard things seem to get, we give thanks for we know our God still reigns. He is bigger than hunger, disease, loneliness, and anything you might be facing.

I look forward to following up with the teens and talking about their experiences yesterday afternoon! Thank you God for knowing me better than I know myself and for calling me to something greater than myself!

1 comment:

  1. Amen! Thanks for sharing so openly and for helping us also to be thankful! Love you!
