Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Congratulations Missy!!

Last night I had the privilege of celebrating Missy's last chemo treatment at All Children's Hospital. The hospital room was filled with family, friends, and nurses stopping by to celebrate with Missy and of course eat some cake! It was beautiful to take in the joy and the conversations that filled the room. It is evident that this family is loved. For those of you who don't know Missy, let me share a little about her journey.
In February 2009, Missy was headed out the door for another normal day of her teenage life. However, as she stepped out the door her leg gave out and she fell to the ground. When they got to the doctor, they found out that no only did she have a broken leg, but she had bone cancer as well. How do you handle hearing the news? How do you sit there and listen to someone who is telling you that your daughter has a sickness that cannot be fixed with a band aid and a kiss? How do you go from worrying about what you will wear, who your friends are, and the big test you have next week to wondering what chemo will be like and will you have the strength to beat this? I have asked the Mugno family so many questions to try to understand what this journey has been like for them. Each of them have given complete credit to the one who has truly helped, the Lord, the Creator of Missy, and the master Healer. While others may feel sorry for her, she'll tell you that the day she broke her leg was the best day of her life.
This past year was filled with countless trips to the hospital, a few surgeries, lots of chemo and other things I can't spell or pronounce, and a complete life change. I could list all the things they have had to sacrifice, but they would tell you all the things they have gained. Their family is not only closer to each other, but closer to God. Missy appreciates each day of her life, something that most of us overlook and take for granted. Jennifer respects and admires her younger sister, when most of us ignore and fight with our siblings. They have met so many wonderful people who have battled cancer as well as countless doctors and nurses. They have been able to travel to New York for New Years and Missy was able to give a speech to a room of doctors in New Hampshire. Really, I could go on for hours about how wonderful and loving the Mugno family is, but I just wanted you to know about one of the families I am blessed to know.

Congratulations Missy!! It has been a long journey and I am so proud of how you have fought. May the Lord continue to shine through your smile and love for others!

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