Monday, January 4, 2010

It doesn't stop


Life never stops or slows down for that matter around here, but the Jones' keep on moving! Kylie had her 6 month check up last week. She weighed in at 14lbs and 26 inches long. The doctor said she looked great! She received 4 shots as well as a liquid vaccine. She took them like a champ and didn't seem to react negatively the rest of the day. Her teeth seem to be coming in as we can see small scrapes on her bottom gums. That pain has caused some discomfort in our little one and she is more fussy than normal.

We celebrated New Year's Eve with our teenagers and had a GREAT time playing crazy games at the church! It cracks me up that we heard fireworks outside to realize that the clock had struck midnight. We were so into our game of sardines that seven of us were hiding under some tables in the dark and lost track of time. Oh well, that's ministry, right?

I am so excited for 2010 and all that God has in store for us here in Clearwater! Know that I am praying for your year as well!!
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