Thursday, July 9, 2009

Two Weeks Old!!

It's crazy to think that Kylie is already two weeks old!! In just two short weeks, she has turned my world upside down. I am still living my life, but she effects every aspect. Even when my friends ask me about my day, she always comes up in conversation. Overall, things couldn't be better!!! Kylie is sleeping well most nights. She eats about every three hours during the day, and four hours during the night. I am out and about during the day and taking Kylie everywhere I go . . . church softball, Reading in the park, Wal-Mart, the bank, ect. We are learning her noises and facial expressions too. We can tell the difference between hunger, gas, and pooping. I have experienced vomit at 3 in the morning, and Tre knows what happens when the diaper isn't on tight enough (oops, sorry about that). Marley is also adjusting. She no longer gets up with every coo and sound, but is still very attentive and protective.

In case having a baby wasn't enough of a life change, we have been going back and forth with a buyer for our house. We received final confirmation today, and we will be closing on July 27th. We had planned on moving in August, but the Lord has other plans. Thanks to the flexibility of others, everything seems to be falling into place. We have begun the packing process and are enjoying every moments with our friends here before we leave. Here are a few pictures of Kylie this past week.


  1. I smile just thinking about the beautiful people that God chose to put Kylie in the care of. Honestly I have seen you two smile before but now those smiles are glowing. I pray your move will be smooth and any little snags will become a fun story to tell Kylie as she grows. Thank you for sharing with all of us.
    Kathy K

  2. Ah I love the pictures!! My favorite is the one of Tre, Kylie and Marley. Too cute!!! Love you guys!!

  3. I can't believe she can already have a bow in her hair. Her cousin is going to be like 6 before she can do that!!
