Friday, January 16, 2009

When Life Give You A Lemon... Be Excited, Your Baby is Growing!!!

Another week, another food! This week our little one has grown to the size of a lemon. Things are going well, Lauren is doing great. She has been cracking me up because she is just so hungry all the time. The past week we have been really trying to clean out our pantry and refrigerator, so we haven't gone to the grocery store. Well, yesterday while she was packing her lunch for the school day, the tears nearly flowed when she realized there was slim pickin's for the lunch time snacks. I guess a sandwich, pretzels, apple, dried fruit, peanuts, peanut-butter crackers and a Reese's snack pack just wasn't enough even though she had a MONSTEROUS smoothie, 2 eggs and a piece of toast for breakfast. I believe this woman could give Michael Phelps a run for his money in the daily food intake category. And now she informed me that she is "hungry" after we just had a large breakfast an hour ago. However, do not fear, Lauren is still very active and works out during the week. She looks great and she is healthy and happy and that is all that I could hope for during this time. Marley and I are consoling eachother and trying our best not to laugh to hard at Lauren as she goes through this awesome time in her life. She looks beautiful and she is still very nice, no moodiness here. We love you all and hope to hear from you.

1 comment:

  1. hahahah that is so funny! Sounds like she could become a professional eater! :) Love you two and miss you bunches!
