Thursday, January 1, 2009

We're Pregnant!!!!

Dear Friends and family,

Lauren and I are proud to inform you that we are pregnant! Lauren is now in her 2nd trimester. We do not yet know what we are having, so we have named our growing child Kylie-Hank. Lauren is doing very well and she is dealing with the sleepiness and tummy aches well. As most of you know, Lauren loves to eat, but now that she is eating for two, the food consumption has almost doubled. But I am proud to let you know that she looks more beautiful than ever. We are both very excited and cannot wait for our baby to arrive. Our due date is July 13th. We look forward to sharing stories and photos with you as baby progresses. Thanks for reading and leave comments.



  1. Congratulations!!!I am so thrilled for you. I'll
    be checking in on your blog and your adventure!
    Lucky little one to have you for a mommy and daddy. God bless. Kathy Kapetanakis

  2. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't vote because I will be happy with either a boy or a girl! I am so excited for you both. Just think...if you move near us, Laura Beth can babysit your kids! That's like life doing a 360 on us!!

    We love you and can't wait to hear the report from the doctor tomorrow.
    Love & Miss Ya,

  3. Congrats!!! Lauren, you will be such a good mom! And speaking of mom - both you and Tre's parents I'm sure are overflowing with joy!!! Love you guys!

    ~Lori Koch

  4. I CANNOT believe this!!!! Sad I found out this way but whatever! I'm SOO excited! Can you wait till July 18th and have it on my birthday?? ;)
